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Offshore Electrical Engineering Manual


 Offshore Electrical Engineering Manual

Offshore Electrical Engineering Manual

Many things have changed in the oil and gas industry since the first edition was published in 1992, four years after the Piper Alpha disaster.

Chief among these were the changes in the UK statutory legislation following on from Piper Alpha. Regrettably, I was too busy at the time to carry out the necessary revisions to this book, but now have the opportunity as I approach retirement to rectify that omission.

The change of name to ‘Manual’ reflects the intention to avoid covering theoretical material covered well in university courses, but to concentrate on the practicalities and precautions necessary to create an electrical design which has all the attributes expected of it in today’s world, i.e., safe to use and maintain, robust in harsh conditions, reliable, efficient and environmentally sound.

I hope readers will appreciate the following significant content changes, which reflect the new offshore regulations, or have become necessary because of the modern information technology.


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